
Brand Identity Package 

With this package, you have all the critical visual elements to launch / rebrand your business including a full logo set, brand colours, fonts, social media profile images etc. We will create a 100% unique new look for your brand. The journey will start by diving into what makes your business special to emotionally connect to your target audiences.

Please note that the fee quoted does not include GST (for Canadian clients) or platform fees (i.e. Upwork, PayPal for international clients).


1. Milestone one
Deliverable: moodboard x 1 (pdf) 

• Branding & Marketing Research

A 30-60 minutes brand practice meeting to go through your Brand Strategy (what is your brand messaging and personality; who are your audiences, competitors etc). We will start by exploring different existing brand styles to discuss the high-level design and incorporate your feedback into the moodboard.

• Moodboard

You will get a custom moodboard based on our research and your inputs to set the art direction, including typography, colour pallet, photography style, graphic elements etc. You will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the overall style before moving into the next step.

—> View Moodboard Samples Here

2. Milestone two
Services: Logo Design

• Logo Design

Drawing from the chosen moodboard, we infuse the brand’s essence into a captivating logo, reflecting its visual identity and aesthetics.

• Revision and Finalize

Client feedback is of utmost importance to us, and we diligently incorporate it during the revisions. Once you’ve chosen one logo from the 3 concepts, we proceed with two rounds of revisions to ensure the final logo is perfected to your satisfaction.

– The 1st round is for extensive review: This is your opportunity to make major changes to design and content.
– The 2nd round is for accuracy: This is your opportunity to finalize style changes and make minor corrections.
– The 3rd round is the final proof:  Logo final touch and refining.

Should additional revisions be necessary, we remain open to working on them hourly to deliver a logo that perfectly represents your brand.

3. Milestone three
Services: Brand Guidelines Documents.

• First Draft Brand Guidelines

Based on the finalized logo, we will provide you with comprehensive brand guidelines, encompassing the following pages:

-Logomark x 1 page
-Logo Usage x 1 page
-Typography x 1 page
-Font Usage x 1 page
-Colour Palette x 1 page
-Graphic Elements x 1 page

Above are the basic elements we include in the package. If needed, we are open create a more advanced package and create other elements such as photography style, image treatment, patterns, iconography style, key visual, social media templates etc.

• Revision(s)

Depending on your budget, we will work with you on a few revision rounds to finalize the guidelines. One round of revision is included with this package. After the design is approved, we will finalize the guidelines and prepare the deliverable package.

4. Milestone four
Deliverable: Brand Identity Documents

• Deliverable list

Upon project completion, we finalize the guidelines and meticulously prepare the deliverable package, including:

(1) Fonts
(2) Logo Files:
-Main logo in full colours x 3 (png, pdf, eps)
-Main logo in black x 3 (png, pdf, eps)
-Main logo in white x 3 (png, pdf, eps)
(3) Graphics elements: i.e. patterns, icons etc (Adobe Illustrator)
(4) Final brand guideline (pdf)